Isnin, 24 Mac 2014


jom baca testimoni Pn Fizanur..

Sejak lahir, Aisyah dah diserang Ekzema. Apa yang pasti, pasti dia akan menangis sambil menggaru kepala, leher dan bahagian lampin. Saya notice kawasan yang kerap jadi merah-merah ialah di kawasan leher, sekitar bahu dan bahagian lampin. Yang paling teruk ialah 2-3 minggu lepas, setiap malam dia bangun, mengamuk2..atai!atai!. Heran, hari tak panas, badan tak berpeluh pun apsal jadi jugak. Apa nak buat ek. Aisyah jenis yang tidak suka telan ubat.Sebenarnya, saya dah beberapa kali bawa Aisyah berjumpa doktor. Tapi kali ini saya tidak berbuat demikian kerana, saya tahu, masalah ini akan terus berulang dan berulang, setakat sapu krim, bagi makan ubat, gatal-gatalnya tak hilang-hilang pun. Bila tanya doktor, sebab apa dan sampai bila, doktor jawab, biasalah ekzema ni terjadi di kalangan budak-budak, tak bahaya pun, jangan risau...Emak memberi petua agar disapukan air garam pada bahagian yang gatal-gatal tu terutama di bahagian lampin. Cara ini memang berkesan tetapi hanya untuk sementara. Esok, jadi lagi, fed up! fed up!Berpandukan pengalaman yang dikongsikan oleh Kak N tentang bagaimana beliau merawat anaknya yang ekzema, saya pun cuba cara yang sama. Saya masukkan setengah sudu kecil ESP ke dalam botol susu Aisyah. Semenjak dari hari itu Aisyah tidak lagi menjerit2 di tengah malam. Hampir 3 minggu barulah kesan merah-merah yang menggelikan itu completely hilang. Sekarang ni, saya masih continue masukkan sedikit ESP ke dalam bancuhan susunya setiap malam beserta sedikit Mealshake sekali setiap hari. Ini bagi memastikan Aisyah tidak lagi diserang keradangan kulit yang teruk.Sekarang ni, Aisyah bukan sahaja dapat tidur lena, malah lebih nyenyak dan kurang meragam bila bangun tidur. Dia kelihatan lebih montel dan lebih berselera menjamah makanan.Tapi masih menjadikan susu sebagai makanan utamanya. Tak pa lah, janji sihat. Bijak pun bijak.Selain Meal Shake dan ESP, saya bagi Aisyah Omega 2 kali seminggu. Omega ni saya dah mula seawal umurnya setahun dulu.

Boleh hubungi saya sama ada menggunakan aplikasi 
Wassap : 019 7701264
Fb : anie izwan

Ahad, 23 Mac 2014

Cuti pertengahan penggal pertama ? YeY!!!!!

Cuti pertengahan penggal pertama sudah pun bermula...bukan pelajar jee yang bersorak keriangan tapi guru pun sama-sama bersorak yeyyy...kikiki.  Ngalahkan budak-budak...

Sememangnya tugas guru bukan mudah, banyak cabaran dan dugaannya. Namun, kita kenalah bersabar. Tak gitu cikgu cikgi sekalian.

Tinggal kurang dari 2 minggu saja lagi promo ESP akan berakhir. Dengar-dengar stok dah makin susut...ramai betul peminat Esp ni ye. .

Ketika cstatan ini ditulis, saya dalam perjalanan pulang ke kampung halaman, bertemu bonda dan ayahanda tersayang. Moga perjalanan kami dilidungi Allah swt.

Rakan-rakan yang ingin mencuba kehebatan produk shaklee,  boleh saja menghubungi saya ya...:)

Kawasan Ulu Tiram, Plentong, Tebrau, Jb
Buat sementara waktu ni saya bberada di Wakaf Bharu, Tumpat, Kota Bahru.
Atau wasap / sms 0197701264
Fb : anie izwan

Selasa, 18 Mac 2014


Why Do We Need Supplements?

natural supplements

It happened again recently when I met a new client coming in with lots of health problems…
One of the biggest misconceptions people have when visiting a Natural Health Practitioner is that they will only get one or two “medicines.” Their other mistaken belief: They might only need these “medicines” for a month or two to get over whatever serious symptoms that brought them to me.
Those are the misconceptions. Here are the facts.
By the time new patients talk with me for the first time, they have allowed their bodies to get to such a state they are now experiencing uncomfortable symptoms. Generally, it’s taken years for their bodies to reach this breaking point. It’s also important to understand that it’s going to take many months, if not years, to help them out of it.
Natural and herbal supplements can help to restore the body to a place of balance. But, it’s probably going to take more than one thing, or even two. In fact, it might take between 5-10 supplements to restore your health. If there is a “serious” health issue on the table, it will take much more time and effort than that.
But for this article, I want to discuss why we need to take supplements at all. Most people who aren’t in a health crisis wonder why they need to take a supplement. “I feel fine. Why would I need to take anything?”
Here are the top reasons why it is important for everyone to take natural, whole food supplements:
1. Depleted Soils. Even if you eat a healthy, predominantly plant-based diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, chances are good (unless you’re consuming everything organic) the food comes from soils that have insufficient mineral content. When foods are grown over and over again in the same soils, the mineral content of that soil becomes depleted over time. This is ANOTHER reason why it is so vitally important to consume organic foods as much as possible. Organic farming practices include “crop rotating” so that soil depletion does not occur. Unfortunately, even buying organic doesn’t always mean you’re going to get superior foods. Although organic soil can get depleted, buying organic remains the better, healthier choice for you and the planet!

2. Long Transit Time for Delivery. Have you noticed an increasing amount of produce finding its way to your grocery store comes from other countries? If you think your favorite mango or pineapple (from Hawaii or the Philippines) was just cut at its peak ripeness, then immediately boxed, rushed to the airport and shipped overnight to your favorite grocery store, you’re sadly mistaken.  Sometimes, foods are picked weeks and even MONTHS before we see it on our shelves. So much for obtaining the maximum amount of nutrition! I always suggest that my clients buy as much of their food as possible from local growers to reduce transit time and improve the nutritional value of the food they’re eating.

3. Overcooking Our Foods. Americans have a bad habit of cooking our food “to death,” resulting in a massive loss of nutritional value, meaning far fewer vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes to go around. What’s more, eating these depleted foods over time creates its own set of health problems. Cooking does “kill” the food, resulting in lost nutrition. As far as fruits and vegetables, consuming them in as close to a raw (uncooked) state as possible is always the best way.

4. Not Eating Regular Meals. So many people skip meals. Grabbing a bagel or doughnut while slamming down some coffee and rushing to work does NOT constitute a meal. Making up for it later in the day at an “all-you-can-eat” buffet is not in the best interest of our bodies either, as it puts much undue stress on the digestive system and will eventually cause a lot of uncomfortable symptoms.

5.  Normal Aging = Digestion Issues. As we age, our bodies produce fewer enzymes, including all the important ones needed to properly digest and assimilate the foods we eat. Eventually, this results in “common” stomach complaints, like reflux, heartburn, upset stomach and chronic constipation.

6. Stress + Stress, + Stress = Compromised Immune System. No question, we all lead busy lives and some of us are busier than others! Between commitments to your family, school, work, community, faith and other obligations, our lives are stressed to the max! All of this stress takes a toll on your body and weakens your immune system. Taking supplements can help to bridge that gap and give your body some of the nutrition it needs to function optimally.

Of course, nothing will take the place of eating a good and healthy diet. But taking quality, whole food-based natural supplements can go along way towards helping you maintain a better level of health. Besides, if you’re still working through some bad habits (skipping meals and not eating organic foods), you need them even more! For more information, read my other articles on whole food supplements vs. synthetic supplements and Can natural remedies help me with…?
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Dipetik dari Media Kesihatan Isu September/Oktober 99

Zat Besi dan Daya Ingatan

Zat besi membantu membawa oksigen dari paru-paru ke tisu-tisu badan termasuk otak. Apabila kadar zat besi dalam darah rendah, tisu akan dahagakan oksigen. Ini menyebabkan badan rasa lemah, kurang daya ingatan, kosentrasi menjadi lemah, kurang motivasi dan kurang daya kerja.
Wanita sering mengalami kekurangan zat besi kerana mereka datang haid setiap bulan, mengandung dan menyusukan bayi. Seorang wanita dewasa memerlukan 15mg zat besi setiap hari dan digunakan oleh tubuhnya kira-kira 10mg.
zat besi

Tidak hairanlah kan, bila dah bersalin, menyusukan pula, ibu-ibu lebih senang nak lupa dan tak ingat. Betul kan? Orang kata urat putus lah, itulah inilah, namun hakikatnya ialah ibu kekurangan zat dalam tubuh.
Mengikut pengamatan saya, ramai ibu yang tidak cukup rehat, ini menjadikan tubuhnya bekerja dengan lebih kuat. Apabila ‘bekerja lebih masa’, tubuh memerlukan sesuatu yang extra. Tambahan pula kebanyakan kita tidak mengamalkan diet sihat dan seimbang (sekadar makan untuk kenyang saja), jadi tak cukup ‘fuel’ untuk keperluan tisu-tisu terbabit.

Terutama para ibu, wanita memang memerlukan diet seimbang, terutama yang kaya dengan zat besi dan B complex, agar ibu bukan saja bertenaga, malah kuat daya ingatannya.

Supplement yang dicadangkan untuk para ibu & wanita:
1. ESP (Energizing soy protein)

Saya sendiri telah menggunakan set tersebut bagi anak ketiga saya setahun yang lalu dan masih menggunakannya kini. Saya dapati perbezaan yang ketara seperti

1. Kurangnya rambut gugur (selepas bersalin anak sulung 4 tahun lalu rambut gugur menjadi nightmare saya).
2. Dapat “menuai” hasil susu yang lebih meriah. Kini saya masih mempunyai stok hampir 100 pack di saat anak saya berusia 1 tahun 1 bulan.
3. Kulit lebih gebu dan halus.
4. Saya merasa lebih bertenaga. Pagi saya mula buat kerja rumah jam 6.30 pagi dan hanya pulang pada jam 7.30 malam. Di rumah saya masih perlu melayan anak-anak sehingga jam 10 malam.
5. Yang penting saya rasa lebih sihat daripada sebelumnya.
6. Kesan kepada bayi juga sangat ketara. Bayi lebih cepat kenyang, kulit gebu dan cantik dan kesihatannya di paras yang sangat baik.
Bagaimana dengan anda? Hubungi saya sekarang untuk mendapatkannya.

FB: anie izwan
Fan Page : Kedai Runcit Anie
Wa/pm : 0197701264

Isnin, 3 Mac 2014


My rule of thumb with anything is “Try it. See how you feel. If you don’t feel better, get your money back.”  I don’t know all the answers, but all I know is, my brother in law’s 38 cancerous tumors disappeared after being on Shaklee soy heavily for a year and a half, I have n0 hormone issues after “upping” my intake of Shaklee soy, and my husband still has not grown “man boobs.” :)   Oh, yeah…I forgot to mention that’s another one of the arguments as to why NOT to use soy.   I’ve been waiting after the last 13 years of him using Shaklee soy to see them appear, but he has just gotten more sexy and ripped. So that one’s a fallacy too. :)
Stories and personal Testimonies were another big deal for me. As I started onShaklee’s soy protein back in my Division 1 soccer days, I immediately noticed a difference. And then I began to hear about hundreds of others who, over the years (56 to be exact) have seen huge life-change and dramatic results by adding this healthy protein into their diet.  The irony of this all is, soy has been given such a bad rap  that some who need it the most due to health issues they have (i.e. cancer, thyroid issues, hormone imbalance) have been told by very loving and well-meaning practitioners to avoid it like the plague.  This actually makes me sad because I’ve seen first hand how it has helped to give people their lives back. Let’s face it…if you don’t have your health, what kind of life do you have?   We all want to feel better, live longer, and enjoy life to the fullest.  This was the quickest and simplest way to add something in on a daily basis that has radically changed my body and health.  I hope my journey will help some of you who are searching for answers to find what you’re looking for.  The 7 Criteria below helped me greatly in evaluating which protein to use for myself and my family.

Common Concerns About Soy

by Dr. Richard Brouse

Do soybeans cause cancer?

It is true that “overcooked” soy does contain “carcinogenic” compounds. When soy is extruded through high temperature, high-pressure steam nozzles to form what is called “textured vegetable protein – TVP for short”, this form of processing renders the soy “meat substitute” carcinogenic or cancer causing. TVP is what is used in soy dogs and soy burgers, and should be avoided.

What about roasted soybeans?

Whole soybeans are high in plant fat. If soybeans are roasted to eat as soy nuts, the heat alters the fat and makes it a trans-fatty acid, which causes both cancer and heart disease. As roasted soy nuts sit on the shelf or in the cupboard in storage, the oils are becoming more and more rancid and carcinogenic. AVOID roasted soybeans.

But I’ve heard that soy protein is hard on the kidneys!

Animal protein is much harder to digest than vegetable protein. Since many people have digestive difficulties, protein that is not thoroughly digested is very challenging to the kidneys. Powdered protein is in a predigested state, and the BEST protein source to choose! Protein is not the enemy – it is essential for life. It is true, however, that EXCESSIVE protein is hard on the kidneys, so if a person consumes more than 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily, AND does not consume adequate carbohydrates with it, this could cause kidney damage.
I have breast cancer, and I’ve been told I cannot have soy!
It is true that soy is a “phyto-estrogen” food, which means it contains substances that have hormone-like components. However, their estrogen strength is 1/1000th that of the body’s own stronger estrogens. Therefore, you want to load your digestive system with quality controlled raw soy powder, because these weaker estrogens will block the estrogen receptor sites from receiving your body’s own stronger estrogens and therefore be very protective against estrogen fed cancer.


1) Were the soybeans ORGANICALLY GROWN?

Studies have shown decreased levels of food nutrients and increased levels of nitrates in chemically fertilized crops, when compared with their organic counterparts. There is a connection between the ingestion of nitrates & CANCER! Therefore, it is important to know that pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides have not been used during the growing process. In particular, with soybeans, since they are such a hearty plant, a powerful and DEADLY weed spray called Round Up is usually used. For your safety, you must know that your soy products are organically grown. [Shaklee soy is organically grown.]

2) Were the soybeans GENETICALLY ENGINEERED?

Genetically engineered soybeans are much cheaper to purchase, and most companies producing soy products look for ways to save money. [Shaklee soy is certified non-GMO (i.e., it is guaranteed to contain no genetically-modified organism.)]

3) Does your soybean powder contain ALL of the nineessential amino acids?

One of the most valuable features of the soybean is that it is a complete protein and provides ALL nine of the essential amino acids. The body requires these daily to produce hormones, digestive juices, antibodies, and enzymes. HOWEVER, not all soybeans are created equal. Quality and amino acid content will vary based on soil conditions, and variable growing and harvest conditions. If one essential amino acid is missing, the immune system can be depressed 30%, and many important body functions are delayed or stopped. Therefore, it is essential that each batch of soybeans be checked for amino acid content if we want to depend on the soy isolate to provide a GUARANTEED supply of the nine essential amino acids.  [Shaklee soy contains all nine essential amino acids.]

4) Were the crushed soy flakes washed in alcohol or water?

Alcohol washing destroys isoflavones content up to 88%! It is the isoflavones that reduce the risk of breast, prostate, lung, and bowel cancer!  It is also the isoflavones that are so beneficial in hormone-balancing and increasing bone mass.  [Shaklee soy is washed only in water.]

5) Was the “anti-thyroid”, “anti-growth” substance in the raw soy removed?

Asians, who have consumed large amounts of soy for years, have known that RAW soy contains an “anti-growth”, “anti-tyrosine” substance. Tyrosine deficiency will cause low blood pressure, low body temperature, and restless leg syndrome. Therefore, Asians always lightly cook their soy foods to deactivate the “anti-tyrosine/anti-growth” substance. Shaklee has designed an extracting process that removes this substance, yet keeps the soy in a raw form in order to maintain the HIGHEST LEVEL OF AMINO ACIDS and ISOFLAVONES, which are very sensitive to heat.  [Shaklee removes all pro-goitrogens from its soy.]

6) Is your soybean food RAW or heated?

Amino acids are very sensitive to heat. In some studies, cooking protein has been shown to destroy up to 50% of some ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS. If an individual consistently consumes a diet that is lacking in all of the essential amino acids, inadequate brain development and hormones, or other body tissue development can be the result. [Shaklee soy is raw.]

7) Has CALCIUM been added to your soy powder?

Some negative reports about soy say that soy powders are VERY ACIDIC and cause bone loss because it causes calcium to be drawn from the bones!!!! The raw soy bean is a NEUTRAL food–neither acidic or alkaline. However, the removal of the soybean oil (which is essential so the soy powder will not go rancid very quickly), makes the powder very acidic. Therefore, adequate calcium (which is very alkaline) must be added to cause the powder to be neutral again, or it can cause the above stated problem. Many protein powder manufacturers do not add any or enough calcium.  [Shaklee soy has added calcium for proper pH balance.]
About the Author:
Dr. Brouse is a widely recognized authority in the fields of nutrition and prevention of chronic degenerative diseases. Dr. Brouse has a Master’s in Biochemistry and is a Doctor of Chiropractic. He was an Associate Professor of Clinical Nutrition for 14 years and found the renowned Sunnyside Health Center in Clackamas, Oregon in 1977. Since that time many people throughout the world have regained a greater measure of health while following the recommendations of the clinic’s health professionals.

What are the best protein foods?
What are the best protein foods?
Perhaps the fairest and most practical way of rating protein foods is to look at the amount of protein in relation to the total calories in a food. The following chart will show you how to get enough protein without overdosing on fat.
Grams of Protein per serving Percentage of calories as protein
Fish, tuna (4 oz) 25-30 83%
Egg white (1) 3.5 82%
Cottage cheese, nonfat (1/2 c.) 15 75%
Poultry, breast, no skin (4 oz) 25 75%
Kidney beans (1/2 cup) 7 60%
Tofu, firm (3 oz) 13 45%
Yogurt, plain nonfat (1 cup) 12 40%
Beef, lean (4 oz) 30 40%
Egg, whole (1) 6 33%
Milk, 1% (8 ounces) 8 32%
Peanut butter (2 tbsp.) 8 17%
Cereal (1 cup) with 1/2 c. milk 6-8 17%
Nuts or sunflower seeds (oz.) 7 16%
Pasta (1 cup) 7 15%
Whole wheat bread (1 slice) 3 15%
Some proteins are more powerful than others. What makes one protein more powerful than another is not only whether it contains all the essential amino acids, but how many different amino acids it contains. That’s why nutritional scientists use the Protein-Energy Ratio (PER) and Biological Value (BV) ratings of proteins, which measure how well the body utilizes amino acids in a protein. Here’s how the main proteins rate (from highest to lowest) by how well they are utilized in the body.
  • Whey protein (the lactalbumin extract from dairy proteins found in protein supplements; also the predominant protein in human milk)
  • Egg white
  • Fish
  • Dairy products
  • Beef
  • Soy
  • Legumes (e.g., beans, lentils)


PROMOSI ESP datang lagi!!!!

Sesiapa saja yang pernah minum ESP ni pasi akan bersetuju dengan petikan dibawah.
Apa keistimewaan ESP?

  • Energizing Soy Protein ini membekalkan 14 gram non-GMO Protein Soya berkualiti tinggi yangmengandungi semua Asid Amoni Perlu termasuk 9 Asid Amino Perlu yang tidak dapat dihasilkan oleh tubuh badan manusia.
  • Energizing Soy Protein membekalkan tenaga berterusan yang bertahan selama beberapa jam selepas diminum kerana ia mengandungi 5 jenis Vitamin B yang diperlukan tubuh, serta Kalsium separuh daripada jumlah keperluan seharian.
  • Isofalvones pula meningkatkan fungsi jantung, tulang, payudara dan prostat. Kajian juga menunjukkan soya dapat membantu mengimbangi kitaran hormon semasa proses menopaus.
  • Energizing Soy Protein ini dihasilkan dibawah kawalan IPP(Identity Preservation Program)bermakna penghasilan kacang soya ini dipantau ketat pada setiap peringkat dari penanaman sehinggalah sampai kepada pengguna.Diproses dengan air ( bukan dengan bahan kimia ) bagi mengekalkan sumber semula jadi isoflavones.
  • Dijamin Halal. Tanpa Laktos, kolesterol dan bebas kafien.


  1. Pelajar dan pekerja atau individu dewasa : As energy booster (kalau minum pagi2 tu.terasa energetic dan tak rasa lapar sangat.. so bonuslah for weight management)
  2. Lelaki : Protect from any disease (heart,cancer,etc)
  3. Ibu mengandung : For a healthier pregnancy- well grown fetus ; membantu mengurangkan ketakselesaan ketika hamil.
  4. Ibu yang menyusu: Membantu menggalakan dan mengekalkan pengeluaran susu . Dan yg bestnya, pengambilan ESP konsisten sepanjang penyusuan susu ibu,dapat membantu pekembangan fizikal bayi secara sihat.
  5. Wanita: Keanjalan kulit.. Awet muda gitu..… (protein penting kepada mereka yang ingin kulit yang cantik dan ton warna yang sekata. Mereka yang mempunyai bekas jerawat yang berwarna hitam adalah disebabkan kekurangan protien untuk membina sel baru dan menyingkirkan sel mati yang berwarna hitam tersebut).

wa : 019 7701264

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